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How many strands of filament will fit into the 1000M LED illuminator?

The 1000M is a battery powered single LED light source that is used to illuminate the fiber optic filament in Models, Trains, Doll House, or Crafts Projects. Click here for more info on the 1000M.

Included with each 1000M is a couple inches of 1/4″ black Heat Shrink Tubing (HST). This HST is used to connect the individual strands of fiber optic filament to the single LED of the 1000M.

So: “How many strands of filament will fit into the 1/4″ piece of Heat Shrink Tubing?”

That answer depends on the thickness of the individual strands of fiber optic filament. You’ll fit more strands of the .50mm filaments than the .75mm diameter.

The table below shows the number of strands that will fit into the 1/4″ HST.

Capacity of 1/4″ HST
Filament Size # of Strands
.25mm 500
.50mm 150
.75mm 55
1.0mm 30
1.5mm 15
2.0mm 7



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